Montag, 1. Dezember 2008

Vienna Part 1

So, first Post, I'm so excited. xD So first of all I decided to post some random Street Shots I did in the last few weeks in Vienna. Mostly with my EOS 500N and the Canon 35/2, or the Seagull. I hope I find the time to update this regularly.. ;_;
So, be prepared :D

Alser Straße, on our way to the B72 to see Finn. Amazing band from Germany! :o Picture done with my Seagull.

Alser Straße again, same evening. ;)

Yeah, done with the fucked up EOS 500 from my Boyfriend.. 13A on my way to the University..

Suspicious SEMMEL!


Mariahilferstraße again..

Gartenbau Kino, Viennale. We've seen "Ballast" there. Amazing Movie! :o


Ok, I will say it: Gay Spiderman.. With Glitter Make-Up..

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